The other night I had a fabulous meal of gourmet pizza and fine wine, to where my satisfaction level was at an all time high. Maybe it's because the waiter kept filling my cup with Sangiovese. More likely, it was the great conversation with two of my dearest friends. From this talk, my smart therapist friend revealed her favorite question to ask people she is getting to know. This question, she said, says a lot about a person:
What is your greatest fear?
A simple question that has a very telling answer. What she's heard before: I don't want to end up alone. I'm afraid I'm not good enough. I don't want to fail.
After some contemplation, I knew exactly what my answer was. It's a theme that's been carried over throughout my blog, influencing some of my biggest life decisions.
I don't want to live an unfulfilling life.
I don't want to look back one day and shake my head at my submission to fear. I want to make the scary decisions and follow through with them. 27 is certainly not old, but it's definitely an age where you take a look at what you've done and what you're wanting to accomplish, and you really start devising plans on how to bridge the gap. There's no time for lollygagging anymore.
There's life to be lived, and dreams to be attempted and that just won't happen by wishing on the north star.
Mission: A Life Fulfilled has commenced.