
Have I ever been this crazy?

I hate boys.
I love boys.
I feel like I can't make a decision.
Just tell me what you really feel!
And can we JUST move past this awkward phase?? Please?
And why are you so adorable?
It makes it all the more harder,
to not want to like you.

But I do. I like you way too much for my own good. And it's annoying me to the core. But I just can't help it.

I need to write about other things besides this!!! But it's kind of consuming me right now. I don't want to be one of those girls...


  1. Haha... a one track mind at the mo moment eh? Well there is nothing wrong with that.



  2. You mean you don't want to be one of those PEOPLE who obsess over these things?

    That poem you have there sums up most of mine.

    I hate women.
    I love women.
    Why do you have to be so DAMMITALLTOHELL adorable?

    Well, I guess mine's a little angrier...

  3. Have you ever been this crazy? Probably not....

    I hate boys. (Turk's a liar...)

    I love boys. (see - I told ya)

    I feel like I can't make a decision. (And this is different from yesterday....how?)

    Just tell me what you really feel! (Men don't do that....next!)

    And can we JUST move past this awkward phase?? Please? (Nope, it only gets worse when the nudity gets in the mix...)

    And why are you so adorable? (Ummm...because he's a latin dude?)

    It makes it all the more harder,
    to not want to like you. (Oh come on, you know you want him....so make the first move)

  4. Oh, new pic is way hotter...by the by...

  5. I hate to break it to you JUnit, but I think that every girl is one of those girls, just some are better at hidding it that others. Just fllow with it and be yous super ghetto self!!!!

  6. hey scott--yeah, it's been consuming me. I'm being eaten alive!

    anthony--we are THOSE people, aren't we? dammit!

    hahaha, hatleyman. Thanks, you actually made me feel better with your little comments.

    Jenna--thanks. I stress too much. But you and I are gonna have fun at formal (yay).

  7. Have you tried meditation? Focus on anything for an hour OTHER than sexy, Latino, sweater-boy!

  8. hahaha...I guess I am giving off the impression that I can't do ANYTHING ELSE but think of him. But that's not true.

    I'm just being overdramatic cause it's kind of frustrating. And it's stupid because it's not like I want to rush things with him ANYWAY, so there's no reason for me to be overdramatic.

    Really though, I'm good. This blog just lets the obbsessive side of Ashley cry out, as to not be so crazy in real life.
