Ok, ok, ok....I need to just breathe. Cause I'm a little stressed.
What Happened:
Number one. This is Rush Week. 740 girls are coming through. Which means I will be talking to hundreds of girls. Slightly unsettling.
Number two. I got in a car accident yesterday. It was my fault.
Number three. I have a project due.
The Bright Side:
Number one. I've been through rush before. I can handle this. It's always the anticipation leading up to the event that gets me. The actual event itself flies by.
Number two. This is probably the thing that is stressing me out the most. But it puts things in perspective...if I can handle this burden on one of my most originally stressful weeks...then I can handle a lot. I'm stronger than I think.
Number three. Once I get the project done with, I can check it off my list. So I'm off to do that now.
I just can't believe this week. The accident was definitely the icing on the cake. But Lord knows I will survive! There are worse things in life...and I just need to focus on fixing one thing at a time.