
Seeing red.

ahhhhh! I'm having one of those days when I'm slightly stressed. A few reasons why:

I hate having to be nice to stupid customers. I hate when "friends" don't call you back when they're supposed to. I hate being in one place for too long...I need a vacation!! I'm tired of hearing about death...3 people in the last week and a half. Geeeeeeez.

I'm just venting here, but sometimes I think that life is too much of a hassle...sometimes I wish I could just hibernate through the difficult phases...but then I'd never learn anything, right?

Eh, life should just shove it right now.


  1. You've got 1 or 2 weeks to go before Spring Break, right? For me, it's one week (I love working at a college). Hang in there.

  2. I have had a similar week. Already been to a funeral. Totally sucks. Here's to next week and I hope I don't gain 3 more pounds from all the margaritas I have been 'enjoying' !!!
