
At least I have my chocolate. But where's my sanity?

A few things to say:
  • Today is sucky and stressful. A mixture of 2 tests and procrastination will do that to you. There are days that I kinda wish I was a druggie to calm myself down...oh wait, I am. I am a choco-holic. Believe me, it IS an addiction.
  • That leads me into what is making me happy right now: chocolate. Most likely because I gave it up for forty days (you know, that little thing called Lent). Seriously, I OD'ed on it on Easter, ate myself half a pack of Oreos. It was the most satisfying stomach ache I've ever had.
  • Did you watch Dancing with the Stars last night?????? JOEY KICKED ASS. Oh, my little Nsync star is doing SOOOOO well!! yay!!
  • A couple days ago my tire blew out. That was fun (not really). At least 3 guys stopped to help me. It's kinda cool to know that there are still good people out there, even in a time-obsessed country.
  • For people who like football: LT was at my church on Sunday, which was kinda cool. If you don't know who he is, he's the MVP of football this year. He's a funny guy that apparently likes to wear crocodile shoes (I kid you not).

So that's been my life for the last week and a half. I feel all over the place--kind of like I'm ADD. Maybe I've been eating too much Chocolate...

nahhhhhh. That's never the case.


  1. Ladamian Tomlinson

    I THINK that's how you spell it...

  2. ...And that explains why he calls himself LT. :)
    Half a pack of Oreos? .... I thought I was good, but that really impresses me. :)

  3. CA meetings... 12 steps to a cocolate free existence. NO!!!!!!!!!!!
