
Oh Time, Where Do You Go?

It hit me just now...I start school on Monday. What??? When did this happen???

This is my last year!!! My last hectic first day of fall semester is going to come up...when the freshman are running into you on campus because they don't know quite where they're going. And you hear questions like "Where is Adams Humantities?" and you laugh because they don't even know the half of it (since that building's rooms don't go in order--smart, right?).

Books will cost me a fortune--again. Eh, oh well. Just one more year of this.

As much as I complain, I've always been a fan of school...buying highlighters and notebooks, relishing in the energy on campus, sun-bathing on the grass by the pond while waiting for a class, and just...learning. Yeah, cheesy, I know. But there's nothing better than a good class with a good professor that opens your mind to new ideas...

Well, there are things in life that are better, but it ranks pretty high, I'd say.


  1. I love school! I think I'd go forever if I could.

    What's your major anyway?

  2. journalism...and a minor in poli sci

  3. Where do yo want to end up working, Ash?

  4. I felt the exact same way when I was in college. Sometimes after a great lecture, I'd just be walking across campus lugging a backpack full of books (English major) and I'd savor the moment and think "how great it is being a student and how lucky I am to be here."

  5. Yay, your last year. Look out, world!
