
Rant My Heart Out

I kinda want to dye my hair blonde. I go through phases, you know. And I've been through every color...well, you know, not through every color of the rainbow, but the usual red, blonde, brown.

In other Ashley news, I went to a cycling class last night for the first time at my gym (with my Zero--that's her nickname). Now, my Zero works out like, ummm, 6 times a week. Me? Not so much. Let me tell you, after 30 minutes into the class, I WANTED TO DIE. But I stayed for the full 50 minutes of hell. And dude, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sore right now. But I'm fulfilling one of my resolutions, dammit!!! I'm actually going to the gym...how bout them apples?

Anyway, time is ticking away until school starts. Oh, 2008.

And it's hit me, that this is the year that J is getting married. And it hurts to think about it...but I know I need to follow a VERY IMPORTANT resolution I gave myself; that is, to open up to other guys. And following through with that resolution will make it hurt less.

So I got this free pass for an advance screening of Cloverfield, right? And my first instinct is to invite J...but then I snap out of it, and realize, if I NEVER invite other guys to hang out with me, I'll NEVER get over J. WOW, did it take me this long to figure it out??? Maybe I just didn't listen to my rational self before.

Along with that, there's a cute new guy I met at my church last week who I think I just may ask. Cause I need to get out there and go out with new, better men. I'll call him Mr. Grin, cause he smiles a lot. Maybe I'll reveal a name later if something works out :)

Wow, I just ranted my little heart out tonight, didn't I? I think I needed to.


  1. listening to your rational self is always a plus. sometimes i wish i did it more. im sure my rational self shakes its head at me with crossed arms all the time.

    good for you and good luck with the new guy!

    *fingers crossed*

  2. Pseudonyms are always fun...just so long as you find out what's behind the name.

    Yay,I bought the new Radiohead CD!!

  3. don't do blonde, I don't know why but I just think that is not such a good idea.
    Go for Mr. Grin, he sounds sweet!

  4. Anthony, tell me how the Radiohead CD is cause I've been wanting to buy that!!

    Kat, don't worry I dyed my hair blonde before it didn't end up bad, haha. I promise.

    oh, and hey princess!
