
Perfectly Acceptable Ashley

It's so very acceptable:

  • to eat Oreos with my morning coffee. I don't really care that it's not a balanced breakfast. Nope. Plus, there are no words to describe the soggy perfection that result from dipping an Oreo into some hot java. PERFECTION.

  • to STICK UP FOR MY BELIEFS even if that means losing a guy that I like. I WILL NOT SETTLE. Here's to all us bad ass chicks who know how demand R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

  • to be a little sad, but hold onto the idea that this will shape me into the best Ashley I can be. Because "He will make everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:11 <---my fave bible verse. Out of sadness comes beauty.


  1. I eat chocolate for breakfast somewhat more than is appropriate, and have been known to have ferrero rocher. Respect!

  2. When I was working at the baby shop a couple of Oreos and a cup of hot coffee was my breakfast every day!

    Proud of you, pretty thing. Besides, can't have you dating too many other people, what about me, your little Oven GF?! ;)

    Jax x

  3. I am so proud of you, especially for the last two points. <3

  4. In my opinion respect is the most important thing in a relationship!

    and...I love Oreo's cookies! love to deep them in chocolate milk! :)

  5. I"m sorry you broke up again :( :( But...seriously, I LOVE oreos with my morning coffee.

  6. good. a good man is worth the wait. and God has you right where He wants you, so just keep on truckin' girl!
