
Perfectly Acceptable Ashley

It's really very acceptable:
  • to watch How I Met Your Mother marathons on Netflix. Damn you Netflix! You take over my life and take advantage of my joblessness. I'm almost caught up to the new season premiere! Of all the characters, I'm most like Robin--somewhat dry humor, harsh attitude to dating, loves travel, laughs at anything too overly emotional, but has a secretly soft core. Except, I like kids. 
  • to wrap myself in freshly-out-of-the-dryer sheets even on a hot, hot summers day. It still feels so nice, even when I'm overheated.

  • to want to punch some man who chastised me for taking the train in Italy and how I should have rented a car instead. Screw you, guy. I adore trains! And I'm missing them right now! I'm thinking this train obsession began with watching Thomas the Train as a child. 

  • to drop everything else you're doing to listen to some Billy Joel whilst sipping slowly on a perfect cup of coffee. This equals a perfect afternoon.


  1. But is it perfectly acceptable to be incredibly jealous of someone who still has sunshine when we in Ireland are experiencing wind and rain?!

    Emma xo

    1. It is acceptable. But wouldn't you know it, sometimes I miss the rain!

  2. So do you have a gun fetish and maniacal love of hockey and Bryan Adams? Trains are awesome. I grew up in a house right next to train tracks. We loved it when the conductor waved to us. The train seemed like the portal to exotic places I hoped to visit some day.

    1. Okay so I hate guns. That's the other thing. But otherwise Robin and I are on point.

  3. Top five musical crimes perpetuated by Billy Joel in the '80s and '90s. Go. Sub-question: is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter day sins, is it better to burn out or fade away? ;-)

    1. hahaha! He's made his mistakes (more than Stevie)...I'll admit ;)

  4. I have not been watching HIMYM marathons but strangely I feel like I should before the new season. Hopefully the unemployed feeling is going ok, I might be joining the ranks soon enough... I'll have to ask your advice on the best way to manage it :)

  5. What does it matter that you took a train? Isn't riding inside a train just as beautiful as looking out from a car window. Especially if you're driving and can't look away to take it all in like you can on a train ride! I missed almost all of last season of HIMYM. I'll have to catch up soon to watch the new season.

  6. that italy train guy annoys me already! its total preference. trains get you to most places AND you can drink on them.

  7. Don't even get me started on Netflix. I'm currently obsessing over Breaking Bad and it has taken over my life (like so many other shows I've watched on Netflix). On the other hand, I don't have to pay for cable anymore, so that's a plus!
