
A Post on Failure

Recently I went for something I really wanted, and I fell short.

Ugh. I do hate when that happens. And at the same time I sort of love it. Losing an opportunity always reminds me that there are lots of opportunities out there. Feeling like I failed is, at the very least, a feeling. What's worse than failing is not putting yourself out there at all. Period. A life without feeling is my worst fear!

"Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously, that you might as well have not lived at all; in which case, you've failed by default." -- J.K. Rowling

The typical bike metaphor works so well here. Basically, we were all bound to fall off that damn bike while learning how to ride. That first fall is the worst, but the others that follow get progressively undramatic. Somehow, failure leads to trying more, and then a realization that failure is simply part of the process. Once you manage to stay on the seat, you feel like you're flying, don't ya?

Might I call my recent failure a muse in disguise? Oh yes, it's inspired me to start going for [the biggest] opportunities again. Because I can dare to fail.


  1. You go Glen Coco!!! Sometimes we need a door slammed in our face to see that a different door is better and actually what we really wanted. I love the postive spin on this failure post.

  2. This may be a weird statement to make but I'm all about failing. It makes me try harder and it's also incredibly humbling. Dare I say I learn more out of the process that way as well?

  3. ouch that quote!!! Soo good and really eye opening!!!!
