
A Full Moon & New Phases

In the last week I have felt a reawakening of my cells: they are doing a happy dance for the good things to come. Yeah, that's right, I said good things. We have to keep believing in the good things, because we are the very ones creating those things. Even in a pandemic, even when the world is seemingly crashing down, even when everyone's blood is boiling in an election year, there are still good things, even now. 

I see people bickering in the comment sections of [insert social media platform here] and I see frightened souls who just want to be heard, just want to be seen. I see a president who is dangerous and radical, and I actually see an incredibly insecure person who just wants to be loved. Sometimes, when I'm not angry at him, I feel bad for the guy. All of these people have not embarked on journeys of self healing and self love, yet. Maybe they never will.  

I am happy and grounded and loved, all because I choose to love myself. It's the most simple thing to wrap my head around, but also the most difficult thing to put into practice. It's taken 2 years of digging through the shit to get to this point, and the digging never stops--that's the lesson here. 

Yeah, I know I'm sounding new-agey here, but so what? It's bringing me some kind of peace, mannnnnn. *she says as she pops a peace sign* 

I still stay informed and involved in politics, but I am learning to not get too lost in it. I can make a difference all whilst not losing myself. 

There is a full moon tonight. It's a reminder that things happen in phases. They pass almost as soon as they come in. Tonight I am going to focus on the fullness of that moon: that I, too, can feel whole on my own. I'm sure to pass through more phases where I feel less than, but as with anything, this too shall pass.