
Too Much to Handle Sometimes

I feel like I'm in regular school right now, and taking more than one class. You know that feeling you have right before finals week? Well, I have that now...like a knot-in-my-stomach kind of feeling.

I have 3 big projects coming up and they have to be done in 2 weeks. That may not sound too bad, but they are all articles, and articles take a lot of time and energy to get rolling.

I have to get quotes (good quotes), interview, travel places and then write them all out, edit, and put in flowery details to seal the deal. Some of that stuff is fun, but it's hard to do 3 articles in 2 weeks.

I know I'm just complaining now, and that I will get these done--I always do. I just wish i could flash foward 2 weeks and be done with this madness.


  1. Ash,

    Take a deep breath, get a cork board, some index cards and get organized. Doing one thing at a time always helps. But when you look at the whole picture, of course you'll feel overwhelmed.


  2. thanks to you both--but today I already feel better. I went to the Livingroom Cafe and got some REALLY good quotes. Its' kind of exciting. I'm doing a feature story on the cafe.

    You're right Tanya, one thing at a time does help. Haha, no Thomas I don't need anymore anecdotes for this story. Maybe if I'm doing a story that relates with Texas sometime.
