
L.A.: City of Eternal Fakeness

I just wanna make one thing clear, cause I always get questions about L.A. from out-of-staters: I HATE Los Angeles...and most Californians do.

You want me to describe L.A. for you? Think of a place so smoggy you can't see the huge mountain range in the distance (oh yeah, and you can't breathe). Think of a place sooooo fake that you have your choice of getting a boob or nose job for your 18th birthday present (thanks daddy!). Think of a place so dirty if you fell and scraped your knee on the sidewalk you'd be deathly afraid of getting sometype of viral infection. That "magnificent" land is a little city we call Los Angeles.

Really now, if you're thinking of taking a trip to California, skip over Los "make me wanna throw up" Angeles. Rodeo Drive is the worst mix of fake breasts and bad-smelling designer cologne. Santa Monica is an alright beach, and maybe one of the only decent parts of L.A.--but it can NEVER compete with another California Beach. Hollywood and Beverly Hills just makes me wanna gag myself. If that's your thing, sugar, then go for it.

Los Angeles, I wanna stress, is not real California. More than half its population has lived in California for five years or less. They come from Minnesota, Texas, New York, Singapore, Bulgaria and who knows where else! The point is, these people just ain't from California.

The only part of L.A. I've ever actually liked was UCLA and Westwood...only cause I know those people can carry a decent conversation.

My point to all of this is, whenever L.A. does something stupid, which they often do, please don't go blaming all of California. L.A. is by far the suckiest city in Cali...and yes, more so than Barstow or any other tiny town you can think of. L.A. makes me cringe and I wish visitors wouldn't waste their money to go see it, only to be let down.

If you take a trip to California, visit the real parts of the Golden State: Santa Barbara, SAN DIEGO, San Francisco, Sacramento and even Orange County.

Then you'll meet real Californians--ones that that know the meaning of "laid-back" and could really care less how much that Gucci bag is. The best Californians just need the beach and some authentic Mexican food...oh yeah!


  1. oh yes, authentic mexican food is a necessity!

    p.s. I want to know how your final project came out for your journalism class! we should go get coffee--living room?:)

  2. haha, alright michelle....I'll give you a call. We can discuss humanities an such. Love ya!


  3. (gag)

    but anyway- hi ashley, i agree with you about LA and its nastiness- BUT as a resident of the city i have to try to defend it a little bit.

    The best place in LA, like you said, is UCLA. The second best place is the J. Paul Getty museum because you get in FREE and it is beautiful. Also, while I was very reluctant to visit an LA beach for a really long time (nothing compares to san diego), I gotta say that the Malibu area is pretty nice.

    While LA is indeed plastic you have to remember that you can find real, interesting people anywhere (yes, even LA). One thing you can't deny is that los angeles is DIVERSE.

    So although I do want to get out as soon as i'm done with my undergrad education, I gotta say that you really can find the good in LA if you look in the right places :)

    P.S.- visit me

  4. haha...alright sonya, I'll compromise with ya there, with the diverse aspect and all. I still think it is the suckiest city in California. And you're right, I've never been to the museum, so maybe I'll check that out someday.

    and of course I would love to visit you...don't you leave for france soon?

  5. haha yeah its probly the 2nd suckies after bakersfield (you know what i mean if you listen to 'loveline'). yeah im going to russia and france in a few weeks but im in sd for now so me you and shell should hang out and relive those yearbook days. we can go TP quesada's house ;D
