
Lazy Thursdays are my favorite ♥

Thursdays I don't have work. Therefore, thursdays I do not have the will to do a single thing. I revel in my laziness, really. I know I'm gonna have bust my ass when fall semester starts, and when I get out of college--so I'm being lazy now. A great theory, no?

Lazy Ashley=Random Ashley, so here are some random points:

I have the Beatles stuck in my head. Well, that's what ya get when you play them all day, huh? Not that I'm complaining. I love their music. I have "day tripper" in my head. "She was a daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay trippa...a one way ticket, yeah." Ha, just thought I'd sing that for you, virtual style, that is.

And i'm eating one of those cup of noodles. I know, it's really bad for me. It has like 50 times the amount of sodium I'm supposed to be having in a day. well, whatever. Live while you can (if I don't kill myself).

I tell my friends I love them. All the time. Do you? Just wondering. People must think I'm a lesbian when I tell that to all my girl friends (haha)...or that every guy friend I say that to is my boyfriend. Oh well. I wouldn't stop it. If you love someone, tell them. Is that so hard? I love doing it anyway. I just love saying to people that I love. Maybe it's a girl thing to do.

Last random point--it's funny that it takes a bomb or some disaster to remind us that people (ALL around the world) are important. Sometimes, we really belittle life, I know I do. Plus Londoners are cool. I swear, we will be the deciders of our destiny. The fate of the earth really does lye in our hands.


  1. nah, not too therapist-y (nice made up word, thomas.

    what up matt? nice to meet you.I take it you're a Beatles fan.

    sonya, you just crack me up.

  2. personally, I'd make the title a little smaller, but that's just preference. I love black and white things, so yes, it's nice.

  3. oops i thought that was our friend matt-- thats why i was making fun of him hahaha
