
Who I Resemble (I guess)

I was once told (by many) that I looked like Stephanie Tanner (haha, what's her real name?) from Full House. That was back in the day, yo. "How Rude!"

I've also been told (from a girl in my journalism class) that I look like Chloe Sevigny. She said, "Oh my god, the first day you walked in and I was like 'she looks exactly like her!' And I kept looking at your face." Yeah, um, that was a bit freaky. Here's a pic of that actress, you can decide:

So today, Nikki (from my work), told me that I look like Scarlett Johansson. Haha, my sister has said that too. But I don't see the resemblence so much. I don't mind if they think that, she's beautiful (and she's a good actress).

Well personally, I just think I look like...well, me. And my dad, and my aunt. It's just funny to see how other people see me.