
My mastercard commercial:

Buying overpriced books for upcoming fall semester: $200-$500

Succuming to eating a really good bean, cheese and rice burrito from Trujillio's: $3.50

Buying a fan because it's freakishly hot right now: $14

Buying a neccessity--a John Mayer poster: $9

Spending time with my girls in the apartment and dancing to John Mayer songs around the poster like obbsessive girls: PRICELESS!

There's some things money can't buy, but for overpriced books and John Mayer Posters, there's Mastercard.

Oh, and by the way, we went skinny-dipping last night. What?! It may be childish. But what a stress relief. The only problem we had were the unanticipated groups of people having bonfires last night. Eh, they didn't see us. Oh, and don't get any ideas--only girls were allowed. Plus there was red tide (for those of you that don't know, it's when the water glows because animals are being killed in the waves, or something like that). Yeah, that's priceless.


  1. Yeah. I enjoyed the lead in. "Oh, by the way, we went skinny-dipping last night."

    double-take on my part.
