
What's a girl to do?

MAN! Why do all the unbelievably hot guys have to be gay or taken? Please answer me that?

Michael brought his boyfriend, Greg, into work today--6'7'' of beautiful blue eyes, blond hair and hotness all around. I am so jealous!

Should all girls just become lesbians? I swear!

AND to top things off, Greg kept complementing me--"Ashley, you are so cute and fun! Why have we not hung out with you outside of work before?!"

After conversation over which actors are hot (Honey! Christian Bale was on that list, ya know?!) and some shameless dirty jokes were thrown about (I love talking with gay boys), Greg had to leave and I made sure Michael knew what was on my mind:

"Michael, you and Greg are so cute and lovable! You two are such a waste to females! I am so completely jealous!"

I am jealous. It's just not fair!


  1. your new picture is freaking me out. looks like the lens is your eye, and I'm not sure if I can handle that.

  2. haha...can't handle it, huh?

    yeah, don't worry, I get bored easily...it'll be changed soon enough.

  3. haha...yeah, when I'm in a writing mood, I feel like writing A LOT. I'm getting anxious for school to start. Maybe this is my way of dealing with that.
