
Little Rant of Mine

Bad News: I just found out that Rehnquist died. That sucks.

Good news: This article made me feel good. There are people who can make the best out of a disaster. On that subject, my friend's dad recently went over to New Orleans (he's in the military), and called back the other day to say "It's worse than it looks in the papers, it's worse than hell."

Oh, and my uncle's is STILL waiting for a liver. I feel like he's barely holding on. Why does it seem like death is surrounding me lately? He is on the top of the list now...again I feel weird saying someone else should die for my uncle. But I'm being selfish...how can I not in this situation?

Another thing: Bills really suck. They are a pain. Plus, because my apartments are newly built, we don't have mailboxes yet. Dandy. The construction workers are downstairs, putting in palmtrees....BUT NO MAILBOXES! Sure, I want the place to look pretty, but I need my mail first. Why must people be so incompetent and stupid...like the idea to rebuild New Orleans...again I say, it's stupid. You wanna reinforce the idea of having an American Atlantis, well then...go for it. Otherwise (this REALLY isn't hard), build the city fucking above sea level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I feel better now. I ranted about all I wanted to. I actually am happy today, contrary to what you might think. Take a moment to realize: it LABOR DAY! Wooooooooohoooooooo! Ashley is going shopping (although she has more bills to pay). This is the life.


  1. yeah, although he was conservative on a lot of aspects, I still liked him--for his tough cookie attitude. :)

  2. You have been added to my blog hall of fame...

  3. Don't be mad -- I can't change the "Ashley" on regular blogger comments.. sorry..

    But I had to comment... I totally agree with your brief comments about NOT rebuilding New Orleans. You are brave enough to post it. I had considered it, but thought the wounds, too recent.

    It's good to know that there is another, sensible, Ashley out there!! :)

  4. haha, you are a cool Ashley...so I like you. I won't be mad, haha.

    And Hatleyman...cool, thanks!
