

It's still raining in San Diego and I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE it.

But something I don't love? All the freakin' midterms I have in the next two weeks, that's what. Why don't you just poke me with a spear? Seriously now.

Haha! And Humanities is the first midterm I'm taking. And I'm laughing out of nervousness, let me tell you.

But at least this week is Mysto Week (a sorority thing-a-ma-gig) and it's one of my favorite weeks.

So yeah--this week has its good points and bad points. Can I just stay in bed for the bad parts?


  1. oh, it's where you find out who your big sis is. It's short for mystic week...so yeah, the new girls get all excited.

  2. Do you ever watch Laguna Beach on MTV Ashley? How far is San Diego from Laguna Beach?

  3. No, I don't watch that show since I don't have cable (haha). Laguna Beach is about an hour from San Diego. It's a pretty nice place, but it doesn't beat San Diego.
