
Talking With the Cute Guy

So...I went to my professor's office hours today (a professor from over the summer), but alas, he wasn't there. So I was left with ALL this time before class.

I then decided to kind of wander the halls of the building until the start of Humanities. That's when I saw the realllllllllllly cute, witty guy from my next class reading a book.

My first thought: Well maybe I should just walk on by.

My immediate second thought: What the hell?! That's the stupidest idea I've heard, dumbass. Say hi to him! Say hi to him! You knooooooooow you want to!

So yeah, I did, to the effect of "You're here awfully early. Mind if I sit with you?"

And I did sit with him, and talked with him for like 30 minutes until class started.

Now it's time in the post for my excited boasting: I talked with the cute guy! I talked with the cute guy! Heck yeah! Go me! Go me!

Oh yeah, his name is Nick.


  1. Now this is a post I can relate to!

    Go get him!

  2. the next step? haha, just to get to know him, that's all. He's in my class, so I see him every tuesday and thursday.
