
Wednesdays Kill Me Sometimes

My roomates are kind of psycho right now and going on a big cleaning frenzy. Which is good, but dude. I just got back from class. I'm just staying out of the way.

I just want to eat my peanutbutter and jelly sandwich in peace. And drink my orange juice. I know, weird combination.

Ohhhhhhhh man...I have a class at 7.

I'm actually in a good mood today, although I sound drained of life. It's cause of stupid Comm 300, which is so boring that I want to shoot my foot, cause at least that would be more amusing. My professor is pompous and full of herself. And I want to just throw things at her in class. Stupid Communications. She is the devil, I swear it!


  1. Stupid Communications.

    ^^HAHAHA I know what you mean, which is why I switched majors!:)

  2. Wednesdays are the most strenous, beautiful days of the week.

  3. wednesdays are one of my busiest days--I have the most classes in that day. It kills me.
