
Can I just drive it off a cliff? Oh wait, it won't start!

My car definitely is getting on my nerves. It wouldn't start yesterday and I most likely have to call a tow truck to come get it today. Cars are stupid in general. This wouldn't be a problem if San Diego had a good mass transportation system, but they DON'T!

I just have so much to do today, and I don't want to have to wait around for a stupid tow truck.

It's funny how you think you've planned out your week perfectly...which is what I thought I accomplished week. I didn't procrastinate on anything, I even finished some things early. No matter how organized and on top of things I think I am, something always comes along break up my master plan.

But what am I really complaining about? At least I haven't been abducted from my home like children in Uganda. And, would I really go and drive today on San Diego Freeways when it looks like it's gonna pour? That would be a death wish. So, I'll calm down, listen to the rain (hopefully it rains) and just relax a bit.

And maybe take a sledgehammer to my car.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure you aren't from Texas? That's our little trick. If it doesn't work, knock the hell out of it.
