
And one more thing...

Texas, what is wrong with you? How could you pass proposition 2?

No matter the argument people have against gay marriages, I still hold onto one argument that stands, and will always stand...

YOU CAN'T MIX RELIGION WITH GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I'm not saying this as an aetheist, but rather, a believer in God. Judging whether or not homosexuals should get married is NOT our place. NOT OUR PLACE...if you really wanted to follow the bible, you would know that, and leave the judging up to God.

Simply, there aren't any good arguments against same sex marriages. I heard them all, even from some of my friends. No matter which way you look at it, denying someone the right to marry is a FORM OF DISCRIMINATION.

So, to the majority of texas: Please stop being hateful. Or we'll have to kick you out of the U.S. (this doesn't go to the cool texans who voted no on this stupid stupid proposition).

When will America learn?


  1. I'd also like to put in a vote for kicking out the midwestern United States, as well.

  2. you're kidding, thomas! And I thought you were a conservative.

    by the way, does anyone call you tom...or tommy (haha)?

  3. As a Texan, I did vote against passing Prop 2 (meaning I wasn't for marriage only being defined as a union between a man and a woman). I think it is none of my business what you do or who you do in your bedroom. Who am I to judge?

    Problem with Texas is this is the belt buckle of the bible belt and there are just too many stupid hicks that out number the reasonale people.
