
Information Overload!!!!

The past two weeks have been NON-STOP work work work! I knew seventeen units would require a lot of sweat and tears, but dude...I've created an ocean by now.

And now my journalism prof (a funny, nervous woman named Ms. Ward) decided to turn evil and give us the assignment from hell. I kid you not. We have to be prepared to give speeches on certain topics (one topic for each day of two weeks) but she may or may not call on you to give the speech. You just have to make sure you are prepared. That's two weeks of thinking that EVERY monday, wednesday and friday I could be giving a speech. HOW UTTERLY EVIL!!!

There have been moments this week that I have wanted to pull out my hair. What was I thinking? 17 units? Geeeez.

Spero che io soprawiva! I hope I survive.


  1. I am a few years out of college now, and must admit how funny it is to see how people like me used to feel so overworked. Your comment about 17 units, frankly, sounds fantastic to me. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. "Compared to what?" is a great question...

  2. well it's not just the 17 units that drive me crazy, but also the fact that all my free time goes to my sorority and that I also work on the side. So it depends what you did for your hobbies in college. Yeah, it would be nice to just go to classes.

    And, frankly, I wouldn't mind working hard if it were for something I love. I don't love all my classes.

  3. I don't think being bald is an option...but, giving speeches daily sucks. Just don't let her know you are sweating...

  4. I have an overload of classes too...but you know that.

    You will survive!

    A speech every Mon., Wed., and Fri.? That is kind of nuts.

  5. Seventeen units is nothing. If you are sweating only being preparted to orate for a few minutes three days a week, then my advice is to never, ever entertain the thought of going to law school.

  6. Number one, the correct way to say it is "Seventeen units are nothing." If you are going to comment on my page, get your grammar right, at least.

    Second, I don't know why you feel it necessary to come on my page and insult me. Simply, I don't particularly like your pretensious attitude. So go somewhere else to entertain yourself.

    Third, I am not going to law school. I don't know where you got that idea. I am a lazy bum! I never pretended not to be. That's great that your life is all about work. But mine is not. You can go be miserable if you'd like. Just don't complain to me about how much you work on my page. I didn't ask!

    Lastly, have some guts and at least use your real name. Only pussies use "anonymous."

  7. haha, thomas. I definitely don't think so.

  8. Wow Ash, your fiesty! Thats hot! :-)
