
Burn, Baby, Burn...Global Inferno!

I get a real kick out of those politicians (mostly Republicans) who believe that Global Warming is a "hoax." I'm especially pointing out a man named James M. Inhofe, a senator from Oklahoma, who used those exact words. Oh, gee, what a smart man. And he is soooo right. I condemn those horrible scientists for cooking up a plot like global warming. How dare them! I always knew scientists were up to no good.

In all seriousness, how can you not believe that global warming is happening? How can you even deny it??? Oh...I know how. You see, paying attention to global warming = cutting down emissions of CO2 = less of a profit for oil and coal industries = making big business CEOs really pissed off = less money for that politician's campaign.

Doesn't it always all come down to money? Yep, for the Bush Administration, it certainly does.

But, not too far in the future, we'll be hearing an apology from President Bush (not just him, but all the presidents that ignored global warming) about how they really screwed up. But it will be too little, too late. This doesn't just affect us, IT AFFECTS THE WHOLE WORLD!! And here, Americans (the ones that are ignorant, at least) are being truly selfish. You want to talk about greed and making money into a god, well just look at President Bush. And he calls himself Christian. Ha! I just love all the contradictions going on here.

Lastly, if you actually don't believe in global warming (besides pretending that you don't believe in it, for the sake of money), well, you are simply stupid. You heard me right. S-t-u-p-i-d. Go google "ice cores" and "Antartica" and maybe you could learn a little.

The world is heating up, my darlings, and we are contributing greatly to it!


  1. "Oh...I know how. You see, paying attention to global warming = cutting down emissions of CO2 = less of a profit for oil and coal industries = making big business CEOs really pissed off = less money for that politician's campaign."

    damn. go on and get some, Ashley.

  2. Great post. Bush would tell you, "Stupid is as stupid does, ma'am."



  3. Ashley, its comments like these that allow the terrorist to win...

    Its like Britney Spears said, "I think we should just trust the president in every decision he makes and we should just support that, and be faithful in what happens."

  4. I like "Strategery". That's funny.

    I liked my physical geography teacher, who actually brought up environmental impacts during class, instead of talking about weather and volcanoes.

    As one bumper sticker reads, "Buck Fush".

  5. Hey like the title of this one.
