
I'm Still Standing

YAY!!!! I passed my Communications Class!!! Woooooohooooooo! I was seriously on the borderline, and I got a 43/50 on the exam, which pushed my grade up to a 70%....and my teacher doesn't give minuses (cause I couldn't get a C- since this is a class for my major). I feel very, very relieved.

I've learned my lesson, oh YES I have:
  1. I will not take on too much next semester, that was my downfall.
  2. I will focus more on my major and school in general than my sorority (it's about time).
  3. I will ACTUALLY do my readings (but, haha...I say that every semester).

This is my worst semester grade wise, and I'm not having that again. I'm simply better than that.

Plus, my dad and I have a bet that he'll give me $100 if I beat his G.P.A. in college, which was a 3.3. And I don't wanna lose the bet and have to give him $100. Yeah, he's smart to bring out my competitive side, and I will beat it.

Oh....I forgot to mention....it's Christmas Break for me now!!!! I'm pretty happy now. :)


  1. aw ashley im so jealous...Im sitting here trying to write this horrible paper! the LAST thing I have to do for this semester...and I cannot for the life of me, finish it:(

  2. Oh, and don't do so much crack. That will help bucnhes!

