
But I didn't see George Clooney in the ER.

I had an interesting morning. I had to pick up my roomate from the ER.

Turns out she passed out while walking from class to class, and has a HUGE bump on her head now from hitting the HARD tile floor. Poor Stefie.

I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate being in hospitals. Especially the ER. Obviously, no one would like that.

Alright, I'm kind of exhausted now from worrying my little heart out. Stefie is alright though. I'm gonna go watch Monster's Inc. to clear my mind.


  1. That's funny..you are watching Monster's Inc, and I just watched "Monster".

    Guess which movie is the happier one? Damn, I wish I had Monster's, Inc., to cheer me up! That little girl is almost lifelike!

  2. ER is a awesome show....I wish Dr. Carter was my doctor!
