
Siiiiiiiiiiiinging in the RAIN!

Today was a great day.

And to top it all off: Stefie and I are bad ass motherfuckers. Want to know why?

Well, I come back to my apartment tonight (after eating two slices of banana cream pie, mmm...) and notice that it is raining still. It was quite lovely. Stefie then suggests, jokingly "We should go play in the rain."

"Ok!" I shout.

Stefie and I spent almost an hour splashing about in the rain and puddles. We even passed by two girls that said "Uh, don't get us wet. You guys are nuts."

We replied, "Don't worry, we embrace our insanity."

Needless to say, I am completely and utterly drenched right now. And I love it.

So again I must say--and you must agree--Stefie and I are simply BAD ASS.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, well how could you not?

    I've always been a bad-ass. You've seen my gangsta pictures.
