
Yay for rain! Boo on annoying boys!

YAY. It started to rain! It gets me all giddy inside. I realize that from an outsider's point of view, this would seem like a sarcastic statement. Why no, my friend. I looooooooooove rain. I looooooooooooooooove water. The end.

Besides the rain...I have a "bit" of a dilemma. I hate letting down people...even when I don't know them. There's this guy in my class...right? He likes me. And you may ask, how do you know, Ashley? Because, come on, these things are so easy to tell. And he sits by me. All the time. No matter where I sit in class...I've tested this theory. Oh, and he ran into me at a party...and we went through the whole fake "Oh yeah...I think you're in my class," deal. Usually it ends there, but he then decided to follow me around the party, talking to me in his drunken vocabulary.

Anyway...you may be asking "Why not give this guy a chance?"

Here are some reasons:
1. he's 25. But that's not it. He's 25 and he just joined a fraternity. Not endearing at all.
2. he's a bit annoying.
3. and most importantly...he's not funny. Or really smart. That gets you an F in my book. Cause, yeah, he's attractive, but so what? That only gets you so far.

So...I've been ignoring him, basically.

Sometimes, I wish I went to school in a quaint mid-west town. I like my school, don't get me wrong, but there is a problem with it: It's extremely superficial. I can't stand people who don't care about politics or reading or art or anything of intellectual value. At least, a lot of the students here like to give off the impression that they don't care about that stuff.

But "that stuff" is really important to me.

But, you know, I'm preaching to the choir here, since all of you are kick-ass, anyway, and don't care about such superficial things. And that sentence had WAY too many commas.

This, again, is a long ass post. So I'm going to leave you kids alone (haha, you're actually all older than me) and I'm gonna go dance in the rain.


  1. When I was in college I used to get annoyed with people who weren't interested in the classes they were taking or in learning at all for that matter. I enjoyed college and would go back...if I could afford it. I'm mean, where else are you going to learn to write sentences with, like, four or five commas, know what I mean? :-)

    Yeah, I know I'm kickass...but your pretty kickass yourself there Turk!

  2. This guy doesn't have anything going for him? Okay, maybe he follows you around with drunken talk, but does he have any personality at all?

    No..I hear ya', loud and clear. That's a damn shame.

  3. yes, definitely keep ignoring him.

  4. ignore him. It drives me crazy when I can't find anyone to discuss foreign policy with over a beer or two, so I know what you mean. College has become an extension of high school in many places, it would seem.

  5. Guess I was lucky in college. Most people I knew were very interested in arts and politics and all that ... uh ... stuff. (Gosh, I'm so eloquent!)

    Buuuuut, funny enough, "annoying guy who keeps following you around" seems to be an international phenomenon. So I hear ya there! Ignore him or maybe ask him difficult words with big words often. ;)

    About the rain.... Ya, I'd love it, too .... if I'd get rain only about twice a year. ;)

  6. I love all of you...you all make me laugh so much.

    The people that comment here are hilarious.

  7. hahaha...beth...that's a bit scary!!

    I guess we can conclude that a lot of Americans are superficial.

    Yeah, that sounds right.
