

So, I started off the day frustrated, mad and full of raging anger. And it just kept building up. Then I had an emotional outburst in front of my roommate.

yeaaaaahhhh, sometimes it takes an emotional outburst to see that you are being completely ridiculous.

So, although I'm not going to be totally forgiving, or totally forget what has happened in the past...I've just let all the anger go. And WOW. It feels better to just let it go.

I've figured out that it's easier to just be nice to someone than to be an asshole to them. It takes way too much effort to be mean...annnnnd, it's just not me.

How can some people be assholes and bitches all the time? They must have short, miserable, terrible lives.

It definitely takes a bigger person to move on. Holding a grudge is something that eats you alive. And, I don't want to be eaten alive. Basically.