
Late Night Dreaming

Sometimes I really adore this time of night. The dreamer in me comes out to dance in the mist of the almost-midnight air. The realist in me, thus, lightens up a little. What is there to lose in a dream, anyway, but my inhibitions?

I think too much. I analyze too much. I am too much. Life, many times, is much simplier than we make it out to be. I need to learn how to relax all the time. You know...learn how to live? What. a. concept.

I finished Pride & Prejudice (much to Michelle's pleasure, she gets her book back!). I will say this about the book: it awakened my heart just a little. What beautiful sentences. An example, when Lizzy asks Darcy when he fell in love with her:

"I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew I had begun."

And people wonder why women salivate over this book.

It's not that I want a guy to necessarily say something like that to me (unless he's a great writer); rather, I want a guy to one day feel that for me. It matters not if he can express what he feels, than if he can show how he feels.

I don't worry about sounding cheesy here, or too much like a Disney movie. Because really, I think deep down inside, it's what everyone wants to feel. And you know I'm right.


  1. With the current 10-hour time difference, I do "Work Dreaming" while you do your "Late Night Dreaming". :)

    And isn't all that thinking really annoying sometimes? I always envy my cat. Lucky thing only has to think about where the food is and how to find the best place to sleep. *sigh*

  2. I have this pansy friend...let's call him "Toby"...who once borrowed the entire BBC collection from his best friend's SISTER, starting watching at night...

    ..and couldn't stop watching until the perpetual dawn (his words, not mine).

    That wuss. He especially loved the part where she slammed on Mr. Darcy when he tried to first propose to her...I mean, the nerve! What did he expect, anyways? It's only when he was shown as more of a lover than a jerk that I felt empathy for him...Toby felt empathy for him.

    Can you imagine, a MAN watching this? Sportscenter any day, my friends; beer and a salt lick are my companions. (Grunt)

    Grow a pair, Toby.


  4. ellen--I would love to be an animal. What a life! Especially a house cat or dog!

    anthony--of course you would know nothing of being a guy and showing your emotions, right? hahaha.

    anonymous--I have yet to see the BBC series, but I will eventually. Colin Firth is beautiful!!

  5. ohhhhhhhhhhhh, beth. WE have incredible taste. Oh, tasty fish. hahaha.

  6. yeah, I have seen it, thomas, but it doesn't follow the book exactly...the relationships aren't developed as well as the book, and some of the plot is different.

    But how much can ya really do in a 2 hour movie?? I liked it still. The story is timless and beautiful no matter how it's done.

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed it--and understand WHY I forced this book on you! It is soo necessary. Mr. Darcy is truly the best of men...I'm sorry I had something else to say but in the midst of my swooning, I've forgotten.

    I'm on campus tomorrow from 12-2ish--and maybe at 430. let me know if you are...

  8. yea, you're right, we do all seek that even though some gender (i'm not naming names) might not like to admit it all the time...but it's unfortunately just like the Disney fantasy of meeting Mr. Prince Charming (mister? yea, we'll go with that) that many women go with...it's hard to realistically settle for anything less.

    I'm trying to think of a female literary figure to equate to Mr. Darcy but all I'm getting are woman like Madame Bovary (wrong direction!).

    Also I loooove your line "What is there to lose in a dream, anyway, but my inhibitions?" !

  9. i really love how you write. What you write is how I often think... :)
