
Only 60% insane, so far.

Oh My Goodness...my date is tonight.

I'm excited!

Oh, and I am nervous, don't get me wrong, cause it's me. Analyzing too much=thinking about every possible outcome=being a little nervous. But I'm more excited than anything. I'm really excited, actually. And now I'm gonna have all this excited energy built up....all until 7:00 pm tonight. Then I'm just gonna release it. I'm gonna be bouncing off the walls, now, seriously.

This is still funny to me. I'm just not the girl that dates that much. I'm the girl who is actually quite content with being single. Maybe that's why I don't let a lot of relationships in when the chance comes up. Why would I ruin my contentment?

There I go analyzing again. I'm not my own therapist, so I should stop.

About tonight...I'll tell you all how it goes later. Oh yes, there will be a post. Whether it's good or bad, well...we will see.

All I know--I like this frantic/excited feeling. Every once and awhile it's fun to lose your head.


  1. What date? What the hell--which guy? Am I missing out on posts? Is it the sweater guy? I need more! These are my daily soaps, here at blogger.com!

    I should play devil's advocate and say not to overanalyze to you this time..but instead I have to be true to self-indulgence and say, "Read into every little thing he says and does". It will help you become single-minded and more like me.

    Just come home before curfew, is all. And have fun.

  2. yeah, it is sweater guy...I attatched this info as an update on an old post...so you may have missed it.

    I'll create a whole new post, however, for how the date goes. It's not even a date, persay, I'm just getting to know him is all. And admire is mexican beauty. That too. :)

  3. Ahh.. Sweater Guy! We want all the explicit details. ... well, not really... but, we do want to know how it went!!

  4. The night has come, what everyone is waiting for!!! I can't wait for the post and I know you will knock his socks off...either literally or figuratively...don't do anything I wouldn't do!!!! hehehehe...
