
In a calm state of mind.

Wow. It's 9am and I'm somehow awake...usually I sleep until 10:30, or something ridiculously late like that. But I like when I wake up this early on my own (yes--I realize that 9am is not an early time for any of you). I actually do like mornings--they are incredibly peaceful and great times for contemplating life.

Again, I analyze way too much. And have I been analyzing with Sweater Guy? Ohhhhhh yeah. I analyze with him a bit too much. I wish I could be nonchalant, but simply I'm not. Why must I analyze every move that people make? I think it's an insecurity in me that I need to work on.

But overall, in every way, I find him completely adorable. And when I start to adore someone, I start wondering if I'm good enough for them...that's so bad! I need to stop putting myself down like this.

Things I need to do today: e-mail the Chinese Embassy (you think I'm kidding), work on a project, read a little for my Poli Sci class, go to meeting (sorority), take time to look around this fabulous world and realize that I am a good person who deserves good things coming to her.

The last thing might take a while to accept. But I'll work on that.


  1. Just remember...

    You are good enough, you are smart enough, and doggonit, people like you.

  2. I will always root for the overanalyzing underdog because I empathize; you care enough to search every little detail of a situation.

    Nothing anal about that, just don't get caught doing it.

  3. you're fun. and you're funky. funky fresh. overanalyzing is fun until somebody gets hurt. and it's usually the person doing the overanalyzing. and i only warn you because i too am an overanalyzer. sometimes you just have to bop your head a few times and tell it to shut up. it's quite freeing. and nevvvvver think you don't deserve the best. because that's just crazy talk.
