
Just like glass...

It's funny how life can be compared to a glass vase.

A beautiful glass vase that is so perfect and classic when it is first made. It is adorned with flowers, or put in a cupboard, protected by the walls that surround it. It seems untouchable, doesn't it?

And then, one day, the vase falls over, and you find a chip in it. And you are suddenly reminded, just how easily that vase can break. And it frightens you. What if the next time it falls...it breaks completely?
Even if my father were to die tomorrow, I have to say this. That when he breaks into a million little pieces, and my world feels like it is going to break too...I will just have to gather all those little pieces together, and keep them with me, and never throw them away. For what my dad has taught me, in the short 21 years I have been alive, will last with me all my life.

For my dad is the kind of man who has never been concerned with riches and reputation. He could have been the CEO of a prestigious business if he wanted. He has the stamina, courage and intelligence to do so. However, my dad is unique. He knows where real riches can be found--that that is with family and faith and love. And some might say that he gave up the chance to be the richest man in the world. To this he would reply "I already am the richest man in the world." And he has never shown me any less love than I deserve.

And I have not given up, but accepted that my dad and I will fight to the end. And even if the worst happens, I will always have his love and advice in my heart. And I will pass that on to my kids as well. My father WILL live on forever.

That is not to say that I am not worried or scared. I am! But I know that I am loved. And it is better to have had my dad in my life for 21 years than to never have had him at all.


  1. i lost my dad almost exactly 1 year ago, and what you say is true - he does live on. i remember things that may fade with time - his voice, his aerodynamic hair, how he'd whine when he got bored - but the things that i hold most dear are the ones that will never fade: his love of his family, of life, of God. for him love was always a sacrificial choice - because he loved us, he'd always put himself second. i can only hope to love my own children as much someday.

    so, no matter what happens with your dad, every second of the fight, hold on to this moment where you can see so clearly all the gifts he has given you. even on those days where you want to throttle him for driving you up the wall as dads are wont to do. maybe especially those days. :)

  2. thanks heather...your words are truly heartfelt and I appreciate them!

  3. your pop could teach me a thing or two....
