
You really can't hold me down, suckers!

I feel better. Things are better already. I don't want anyone to worry about me...I took a few things hard, but I bounced back.

Life has some really dark moments. But it also has some really beautiful moments.

I'll say more about this later...I'm just going to get through finals. I want everyone to know that I'm ok, and ready for dancing tonight! I looooooove dancing. I'll explain where I'm going later :)


  1. Dance the night away. That's what I'm doing tonight.

  2. As for me, I am sleeping the night away as I have been taking copious amounts of cough medicine.

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better, Ash!

    I wish I could dance with you, but I live in a small country town and dancing is against the law here. It would be nice if some loner would waltz into town and change all that......
