
ain't got no ring on this finger.

Dude...can I just say that I HOPE my husband looks like Jon Bon Jovi when he reaches that age. Honestly now, just look at him:

**Venting session now begins**

But let me just clarify...I don't want to get married ANYTIME soon. But apparently, lots of people my age do. And I think they've completely lost it.

Now, I've never been the girl to be into marriage or the idea of marriage. I don't know what kind of dress I'm wearing, I don't know what kind of ring I want and I don't know where I'm having my wedding. Why plan all that nonsense out before I even have a fiance?

I've always been the girl that believes that your 30's are a good age to get married (if you're even ready, that is). So I knew I would be criticized someday for being...different. However, I didn't know the criticism would start this early. Just read this conversation I had with my friend Josh the other day:

Josh (turns to me): Ashley, I think it's time that you meet a nice guy and get married soon.

Me (shocked look on my face): Are you kidding me right now?

Josh: No, I'm serious. I mean, you don't want to be too old when you get married, right?

Me: Josh, I'm only 22. Besides, I don't want to get married until I'm much older...like at least my late 20's to my 30's.

Josh: Yeah, but do you know how dangerous it is for women in their 30's to have children?

Me: Ohhhhh my gosh. We are just not having this conversation right now.

Are people my age losing their minds? He's not the only one with marriage on the brain. Another friend of mine is getting married soon as well...next year to be exact. He's 23 right now. He's definitely not ready. And I have two roomates that believe they should be married "by the time they're 25, at least."

I just don't understand this fascination/obsession with marriage. You would think, in modern times, that it would be less of an issue to be married right out of college. But girls (and boys) are still brainwashed. I don't know if it is out of panic or just sheer foolishness...but I believe too many people I know are getting married for the wrong reasons.

And what's the point to getting married this young? Why not wait a few years? I hope to never fall into the whole marriage trap. I was born a rolling stone...naturally hungry for travel and life and exploration...it's gonna take a lot, and someone amazingly wonderful to get me to slow down and have a family. But right now, I'm 22 and not even THINKING about marriage!!!!!!!!! I don't think I can add anymore exclamation points to that statement!

**venting session has now ended**


  1. Being 34 and unmarried, I really get what you are saying, Ash.

  2. As a 29 year old spinster, I agree.
