
Jaclyn and I had this great conversation over Greek food today. Well, maybe it wasn't as great as it was intellectual and depressing, but it was a deeper conversation that usual.

Some background: Jaclyn is a conservative. I am not. But we agreed upon one thing today:

America is so corrupt. Not that you didn't know that for yourselves, but once we started to list all the things it is corrupt for...well, we had to stop. It was just too much.

Politicians don't have souls. Yes, I've come to that conclusion. They use various groups at various times to get what they want--just shifty chameleons that alter their personalities and beliefs in order to bribe you for your vote.

All in turn for what? Power...money...more corruption. As much as I've been into the politics before, for all I've learned, they've definitely turned me off.

Really, how can people be so horrible? Again I say, they possesseth no souls!!

Sorry to rant about this...but it disgusts me, and makes me so sad for the country we've become. Or maybe the country we've always been? Has everything been one big mockery? It's quite possible.


  1. Pass the hummus and hold the apathy.

    Bottom line: the times NEED to change.
