
Little Beasts

So, normally I love children. But certain children at the center I work at are starting to get on my nerves. Probably cause some of these children have been possessed by demons and are trying to steal my soul, or something like that.

Having to watch over a table of eight five-year-olds during lunch and force them to be polite and clean is a harder task than you may think. Sometimes, it makes me want to rip out my eye balls.

I'm just a little frustrated today because the kids, I swear, were all on meth--climbing up the walls and nonsense like that.

I'm a month into this job--I think that's probably the normal time frame in which you start to consider keeping it or not. Hmmmm....


  1. Little children can be that way sometime.

  2. Ashley I totally feel you! I have taught the kids at my internship only 5 classes and I NEVER want to go back, but I have to....18 more classes to go....ACK!!!! Kids are totally insane!!! I love them and hate them sooo much! LORDIE!

  3. oh it's rach by the way!
