
What A Trainwreck

Maybe I'm the only one, but I feel bad for Britney Spears. She seems to be completely falling apart. And now she lost custody of her kids, which I understand. I swear, I think we're going to hear news of a suicide attempt soon.
It's sooooooo weird to see how much she's changed--I think this is proof that you should NOT put your children into showbusiness...they end up totally losing it.
And don't even get me started on the papparazzi and how much I think they're the scum of the earth.
I was never a big fan of Britney, but I honestly hope that she gets it together a little bit.


  1. I feel sorry for her, too. On the other hand, I also don't think she's the brightest candle in the chandelier, so it's somehow her own fault. Her fate is a coming together of circumstances which include a lost childhood, a terrible mother, a terrible taste in men and way too much money.

  2. yeah, except for her taste in justin timberlake back in the day!! She was happy then!

  3. I feel bad for her too... she is so lost.
