
I CAN Stand The Rain, and It's My Window

It's a gloomy day and it looks like it's about to rain, which really excites me. I don't know what it is about rain and me...we just have this mutual adoration for each other, you know? Well, at least I love rain. haha.

I watched High Fidelity today...again...I love that movie a little too much. It's become my favorite movie EVER in the span of two weeks after I first saw it. But it's one of those movies that just speaks to me and my disposition at the moment. It's one of those things that you can relate to if you've been through pain like that--and I think, in turn, it's medicine for me to watch it. Cause the heartache is still there, of course; but, I'm soooooo much better than I was a few months ago. I'm just smiling now. "My soul has returned" to quote Alicia Keys.

I have one review for you, by the way, and it's of the movie Cloverfield.

It was...too mysterious for me. It didn't provide enough answers in the end. I like movies where you have to figure crap out, but I like it when it tells me the right answers in the end. Cloverfield just kind of has you assume.

And, it was only an hour and 10 minutes long...who do you think you are Cloverfield? A Disney Movie?

But I can also see why it was only a and hour and 10 minutes along...cause when I went for a bathroom break at least 2 girls were in there throwing up, saying "I just can't handle that movie!"

Yeah, motion sickness tends to happen from movies that pretend to be filmed from a home camcorder (a la Blair Witch Project).

It was intense, I liked the opening, but it's just not worth your 10 dollars. Go get some cheese fries from Islands instead, or something.

Ok, that's all for now. Starting tomorrow it'll be back to the grind of school and work...although, secretly, I'm always a little excited when school starts. Shhh...don't tell anyone.


  1. i had to say that your post title made me start singing that song. and now its stuck in my head. thank you. :)

  2. I remember when I saw High Fidelity at the theatre, and I wigged out, because I didn't really know any John Cusack movies at the time (EXCEPT Gross Point Blank, which I highly recommend to you, since you are now a fan), and I kept thinking for John, "Oscar, Oscar, Oscar"

    I felt like I completely and utterly embodied him when he flipped out in the rain and he started screaming like Frankenstein's monster (and I love it, when he got crazy jealous and screamed incoherently, "What...fucking.......Ian...guy!!").

    You're not alone on this movie, and you should definitely check out any other Cusack movies, in case you haven't seen them (Better Off Dead, Say Anything, etc). I like that he portrays that ephemeral quality that an everyman can have that nobody pays attention to in real life. In sum, he accentuates those everyday yet special individualized qualities that others take for granted.

  3. You know, it's funny, I've seen a lot of other Cusack movies like Grosse Pointe Blabk and Say Anything. I just never saw High Fidelity. go figure :)

  4. Ashley, you should read Nick Hornby. He wrote High Fidelity.
