
Oh, And We Danced

Sipping my lemon-flavored tea right now and it's good for the soul.

I have pictures, pictures, pictures of dancing, dancing, dancing. That wasn't necessary to repeat, I know.

Me...dancing to "Crazy in Love." I'm actually drinking water here, haha.
All the girls that went out that night. The girl with the long brown hair next to me? I met her that night and she's from Norway, cool huh?
Shirt I made for my Zero's birthday. I call her my Zero because of Earth Girls Are Easy, a very bad 80's movie. But you should watch it, then you will understand :)
The Birthday Girl--My Zero!! She's now 21. Needless to say she got offered lots of shots/drinks. I'll miss her cause she'll be studying abroad in Argentina in a month or so...sadness!

Funny story from the pub--I kid you not--there was a man, who HAD to be in his late 60s, early 70s, breakin' it down on the dance floor. I should have taken a picture. But this man had a full white beard, frail legs and bottle cap glasses.

Hey now, I'm not hatin' but ohhhhhhhh, did I laugh. Get down wit yo bad self, Grandpa! Shoot!

Anyway, things are well. I had fun. School starts on tuesday...wait, what? yeah, time flies!

Peace, love and chicken grease (a saying I picked up from Randy Jackson, ha).


  1. Yes, dancing! I am taking a Lindy Hop class this semester, and it is great so far! Looks like you had fun!

  2. I might have to steal some of your pictures again.

  3. Wow, I wish I was there! Looks like you had fabulous time.

  4. looks like fun all around. i kind of hope, many years from now, i can be a skinny-legged old man still having too many drinks, gettin my groove on. have a great week.

  5. Thomas really must stop stealing your pictures.... I like the new hairstyle(in your profile pic)...
