
Dance Dance Revolution

♫ Listening to "Lesson Learned" by Alicia Keys. How fitting.

I started my new job today and handed out flyers to students walking in Aztec Center (the student center). The bookstore I work for rivals the SDSU bookstore and ALWAYS has lower prices (they make sure of it). So that's kind of cool, you know, taking on the man. Fight the power!

I'm going dancing tonight...yay! It's been WAY too long since I've gone dancing and I LOVE dancing. That is just unacceptable. It is my friend Kendal's birthday (whom I lovingly refer to as my Zero). And it's her 21st. Yeah, we'll be having fun tonight. Maybe I'll have pictures from tonight later!

Have a splendid night all!


  1. dancing always looks fun. i don't do it myself because, quite frankly, i'm incapable of such rhythm. have a good time.

  2. I love the new picture of you!
