
No thanks to perfection.

Why is everyone always striving to be perfect?

Why are we so hard on ourselves, and each other, when we make mistakes? I become ashamed with the best of them, I know.

Well, society can suck it. Cheers to our imperfections and what makes us unique/imperfect/different/quirky! I embrace all the mistakes I have made in the past, for they have made me the lovely human being I am today (and am still striving to be). How boring would we be if we had never made a mistake EVER? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?

I wish people would stop being so damn judgmental, cause honey, you AIN'T perfect.

*end rant session*

(there was nothing in particular that brought this on, I'm just sayin')


  1. As I have gotten older (*shudder*) I have learned that I don't fall into the typical society mold. I now just put myself out there and say "this is me, either love me or hate me!" Things are easier that way.

  2. I'm pretty perfect, and I don't get bored with the fact that I never make misteaks.

  3. Professionally I strive to be perfect. At home I strive to be as un-perfect as I can be.

  4. Did someone not thank me again?

  5. haha, anthony...that took me a second to get :)

  6. Just gotta be me...thats all one has to do. Personally, I feel the same as you, our imperfections and individuality makes the world interesting. Shame that the majority of suits/assholes/b's/princesses/higher-ups out there don't catch it. It would make things SO much easier.

  7. i love this post!
