
This is just some funny sh*t.

Ok, so I'm going to start my own tag thingy, and tag you fools! Read through, this is one that will be fun to do ;)

Go to http://www.urbandictionary.com/ and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the first definition it gives you...

1) Your name?
a bad ass motherfucker who who won't take no shit off of nobody
i.e. that girl is about to get the Ashley knocked out of her.

2) How old are you?
The greatest number of all time. (fuck yeah!)

3) What Should You Be Doing?
Formal term meaning: to move with unhindered grace around an area with the presence of another enjoying the same activity.

Urban term: Humping someone in public

Sad world isn't it.

Cinderlla went (formal) dancing.
Jenny and I were (urban) dancing all night at the club, then more at her house.

4) Favorite Food?
Girls who are straight until wet (two girls are making out).

person a: i thought sarah was straight
person b: kinda,she's spaghetti

5) Hometown?
San Diego: Best.City.Ever

6) Word to describe yourself?
A new perfume featuring the face of the ever-talentless Britney Spears. Pops up in personal emails and other unwanted places. Guarantees oneself to smell of twat and other nasties.

"I smell just like Britney!", Harry screamed excitedly, as he guzzled down a bottle of Curious

7)Last person you talked to on the phone?
My friend Matthew:
a sexy guy that liked the women and has a nice tooth brush

I love you matthew you so hot, I love your toothbrush

8) What are you drinking?
Drug used by hackers and students.

9) Favorite color?
Purple: Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.

"Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!"

And I want to tag 5 people to do this, for fun, if you'd like: Frankie, Anthony, Jidai, CoffeeGirl and Raindog.

Come on, all the cool kids are doing it!


  1. And since I want to be cool...done.

  2. Yeah I was "dancing" with the girls all night at the clubs. And by "dancing," I mean, "laying on the couch," and by "with the girls at the clubs," I mean, "eating ice cream and feeling sad."

    Great night.

  3. This beats ranting about what I was going to do. Also it seems very funny, thanks.

  4. i have a new site!


  5. coffeegirl! I thought you just erased your blog, it made me sad...glad you still have one!!!

  6. yeah, a lot of people started freaking out, i was just in the process of starting a new one.

    time for change :)

  7. hey hey. thanks. looks like a fun one. if it weren't for your tags, i probably wouldn't have anything to post on the steam blog. :)

  8. I am totally shocked by #8.
