

Today was a bad bad day. Busy week at my customer service job=long lines=angry customers.

On top of that, I got a ticket for "not stopping" at a stop sign, which I totally did!!!!

Stupid stupid stupid stupid day!

I'm off to the gym to work off my bad mood...


  1. :(

    I had to work outside in 93 degree weather today, which kinda sucked, although I didn't have to deal with any angry people.

    Stop signs are overrated. I thought they were more like suggestions.

  2. In IL you wouldn't have gotten the ticket.

    In IL I don't think you get one even if you hit a college student....

  3. Girl, not sure if you read my blog about the ticket I recently got for the same thing, but could I ever sit all day and tell you about it!!

    Take my advice, don't even try fighting the ticket. Cops are ASSHOLES!!!

  4. any job dealing with customers can get really frustrating.

    i worked at Kohls Department store doing customer service last summer. it was the worst thing ever.

    also.i agree. stop signs are overrated.

  5. hey ash! i got your text! i was out in the sun all day without my phone! sory you had a bad day, this is why we are too old to work in retail! :) just think about how fun turkey will be!!

    my summer job fell through!

    not enough kids=all camps canceled=no money and no job.

    so i dont think i will be able to go to disneyland again, especially next week. maybe in august? ugh :( i am trying to stay positive though!!

  6. hey yeah i got your text about ice cream. but just for me to make a trip to san diego and back is 8bucks. i can't keep driving down every week. so i will have to pass. maybe another time.

  7. you want angry customers, I worked at an educational toy store throughout college (Noodle Kidoodle/Zany Brainy after a buy out) that also sold beanie babies. This was in the late 90's and early 00's, the height of those fucking things popularity. Mark my words, you haven't lived until you've seen full grown people going pyscho-killer for a 6 in stuffed animal of a fucking bear. Some days I served as riot control for the long ass to the extreme lines out the store, some days I had to police the store bathroom for ladies smoking, and yet other days were spent trying to rationalize with these "real winners" that we were all out of something called "Peace Bear" and there was nothing that I could do about it.

    although that job did allow me to dress up as everyone's favorite story book characters from time to time and become infamous as one of two men to every successfully construct a software fort (it is exactly what it sounds). Sigh...I miss retail. Man, why am I rambling about all this here?? Me thinks a blog post is in order.

  8. ouch! sorry about the bad day. i've never worked in retail but i always try and be a pretty perky purchaser. hope tomorrow's better.

  9. Do you need a lawyer for your traffic ticket?
