
Ashley & the City

I saw Sex & the City yesterday. It was...long, over dramatic, a little ridiculous, but somehow still fun. Just like a woman.


I'm taking this change thing day by day. And really that's the only way to take life. I overcome nerves some days, I grow new fears other days, I learn with every second that ticks by.

I will tell you one thing. I may be the only girl pretty damn happy to be single right now, and NOT deal with men and their penises. (Besides the fact that I may be the only girl happy to have smaller boobs...no really. I love them!).

That's all I gotta say for today, yo.


  1. Somehow I liked Sex and the City too! Ali and Jenny sure don't agree on any movie what-so-ever! (but at least jenny joined us! that was nice.)

    I think you and I have the same view on much of the way we live our lives! Which is why we would have a BLAST traveling together! We get along :) yay best friend.

  2. Some women feel they can't survive without a man and end up in crappy relationships. Good for you on not cracking under the pressure of society. Live the life that you want!

  3. I take offense to that statement!

    From what I understand, the man is to present his penis to the woman only AFTER they have been dating for some time and are comfortable around one another. At least that's what I'm told.

  4. Ummm...I thank the lord everyday that I don't have some demented man holding me back from life. Although a cute skinny artist-type who is available for occasional dates wouldn't be bad!

  5. i love love love this post. hilarious.

    i wish more people had your mindset, all my friends are in relationships. they only talk about their boyfriends, im like uhh? lets go dancing! haha.

  6. I haven't seen it yet: I watched that crappy Indiana Jones movie instead. I saw the line for it, full of beautiful, dressed-up women. I should have gone to see it then.
