
The Brilliance of Hornby

Besides the fact that I'm reading High Fidelity, and it's my favorite movie ever, I've also just seen About a Boy (also based off of a Hornby novel). I absolutely, positively loved it. And in a different way than I loved High Fidelity, but almost as much. (High Fidelity is more poignant to me because of what I was going through at the time).

I realize what I really love about Hornby's writing is that he's so honest, you can't help but crack a smile with every line he writes, because you know it's so damn true. And there's something about the pursuit of truth that humans are fascinated with...I know I am.

Another thing I like about Hornby is, despite his realism, he's hopeful. But not hopefully romantic. Although books like Twilight can be addicting, they are a load of bull. Hornby's books completely reflect real life. He clearly does not believe in fairytales, but hopes for the good outcome, in a realistic sense. He still somehow delivers a nice ending, in a way you can accept, without saying "That would never happen in real life!"

This makes his books/movie adaptations so very endearing to me that I adore them. ADORE.

Keep on with the stellar writing, Hornby! I simply must read/see everything that has to do with your creativity!


  1. Wow, Nick Hornby is my favorite writer. Good pick, Ash.

  2. Have you ever seen Fever Pitch, the British version (I never saw the Americanized version, with baseball)? I don't know if people liked it or not, but it's Colon Firth as an obsessed sports fanatic, so anything he does I am usually a fan of.

  3. I only saw the American version, and actually liked it. I guess I should see the British version :)

  4. "About a Boy", both movie and book, are faaaaantas-great!!! I've been pickin' up what Hornby's been puttin' down for years. My suggestion, and you seem to have already come to this conclusion, is to keep it up.

  5. I've never even heard of him...

    English Major FAIL.

  6. yeah, hornby has a way with the words. i put him almost at the top of my top 5 favorite modern writers list, but that top spot will always be reserved for tom robbins (who i don't recommend for you, ha). i do, however, have to talk to you about this 'about a boy' being almost as good as 'high fidelity'. i mean, what's up with that? :)

  7. hahaha...I said I loved it almost as much as high fidelity. But I think hf was better. I mean, Hugh Grant is not on my list of top 5 actors, while John Cusack most definitely is!!

    High Fidelity is still my favorite movie, don't you worry!!

    Tim Robbins writes books? The actor? (a.k.a. Ian/Raymond)?
