
Can weekends last forever, please?

It is raining today. Love it, love it, love it.

Because I work at a school, and Honest Abe's B-day is on Monday, I have a three-day weekend. This pleases me.

I started off this three-day weekend being productive on my car. I fixed my headlight, switched my windshield wiper blades and changed my oil. Yes, I did all of that. And I say that because all the chicks out there should know that it's all super easy to do...and you don't need to get ripped off by paying some fool at an auto shop to do it!! *snaps finger in air*

So now that I've gotten that "being productive" nonsense out of the way, it's time to be indulgently lazy and possibly have a movie marathon on this delightful rainy day. Then a housewarming party to go to later with a smorgasboard of food...mmm...wait, I lost my train of thought...oh yeah! I was talking about my weekend.

Well, I won't break every activity down for you, but hope your weekend goes as well as mine.


  1. I have a very nice arrangement with several "car guys," wherein they fix my car and I fix their computers. Much like a similar arrangement I have with my local strip club.

  2. You changed you own oil?? How do you do that?

  3. jay--fair enough. Computers confuse the hell out of me most of the time.

    felicia--do you really want the breakdown? haha. I can teach you to change a tire as well. All the basics!

  4. I have to fix my wife's car at some point. Unfortunately, the f*cknuts at Carmax didn't include the owners manual when we bought the car, so now I have to guess where the proper burnt out fuse is located. *swears some more*

    I also have windshield wipers. Mine are way overdue and she never gets hers changed.

  5. Not having a owner's manual is a big problem!!

  6. I can change oil and replace windshield wiper blades, but don't know how to replace a headlight. I don't have to worry about any of that anymore because I don't drive, and it feels great!!

  7. Since I'm in Illinois, the heart of Lincoln-land, his birthday is treated with the same prestige and excitement as the second-coming of Christ.

    We're seriously having a campus-wide celebration with CAKE.

  8. Sounds like a very productive weekend! Wish I was still in school and off today... *pout*

    I do a lot of car maintenance myself, or my hubs does. It just seems ridiculous to pay so much money in labor.

  9. I will start working on the legislation.
