
My Idea of Beauty

What is beauty? Really though, I feel like we're always striving to be beautiful in this world, and it makes me sick. Cause we're expected to be more than beautiful, we are expected to be flawless.

And they wonder why depression floods our heart, and eating disorders take over our mind when we can't reach an unrealistic goal.

What I find beautiful is a heart at rest. What do I mean by that? I mean a person who does not have to strive to be beautiful, she just is. She doesn't stare at her thighs in the mirror disapprovingly. She doesn't run 10 miles a day to be a size two. She doesn't worry about some bonehead calling her. She is at rest.

Yeah, exercise is fine, make-up is fine, wanting to be lovely for a loved-one, that's all good. But why all the pressure? Why all the anxiety?

We all know that true beauty is found in sincerity, laughter, vulnerability, spirituality and love. A truly beautiful woman is the one who lives life with open arms, without hiding for fear of rejection. Again, a woman at rest and peace with who she is and what she's living for on this planet.

I'm not completely at rest, but I'm learning more everyday to let go. I'm coming undone and releasing all the fakeness and anxiousness I once felt to impress others, to make myself something I was not. Because trying to hold yourself together to project an image of beauty, well that's easy to see through. But letting yourself become vulnerable to life, that's really really beautiful. Because it is real.

I brought up this conversation because women face this every-freakin-day. I hear women complain about weight, boys, pimples and all of the above everyday. And they all feel like they aren't good enough. We will never be good enough if we try for perfection.

Just rest, ladies. You've been fighting too hard. Rest.


  1. if i've said it once, I've said it 1000 times... fashion mags... little bits of evil.

  2. Sounds good to me. Where is this woman, when can I meet her?

  3. Who expects women to be flawless? I sure as shit don't. Magazines and TV and smelly Italian guys in dance clubs? I suppose that's a different story.

  4. You know what's beautiful to me; a kool-aid in her jammy pants eating pizza and hanging out on the couch with me laughing her face off. The sooner people realize being one's self no matter what the circumstances or where they are, the more complete, relaxed, at ease, and kick ass they will become. True words from a beautiful person, I thinks anyway, and really, isn't that all that matters.

  5. so guys...go tell the girls this. Cause they won't believe me. I'VE BEEN TRYING FOR YEARS!!!

  6. Ashley, will you marry my brother? Please??


  7. haha, D...not sure how to answer that request...

  8. Love this post, babe. LOVE. IT.
