
Always the Procrastinator

Oh, it's been a lovely week. I had TOO MUCH fun in San Jose with my buddy Rachel (we also went to San Fran and Santa Cruz...AWESOME). I'll post pictures of the trip soon.

What else did I do this week? I went to a line dancing bar, which was NOT EASY. What the hell? I thought line dancing was supposed to be simple! haha. I still had fun though, Cutie with the Glasses showed up and we danced together...and laughed as we realized that we both really sucked.

Overall this week has been relaxing and rejuvenating (I woke up at 10 every morning), now that's the good life!

This morning, it was back to the grind of waking up at 6am, and I made myself chocolate chip waffles as a reward for getting my butt out of bed that early.

And the reason for the title of my post...I have to still do my taxes. AHH!! I hate taxes. And I always leave them till the last possible minute. Alright, I better go do those soon...


  1. I want some chocolate chip waffles...

  2. Yes...6 AM...the bane of my existence. I have to get up at 6 AM for 6 days out of the week...I'm at the point where I think of 7:30 as "sleeping in."

  3. I am the ultimate procrastinator, so I understand.

  4. Taxes are the one thing I do not procrastinate on! Good luck.

  5. I have vowed to myself to turn off my internet, email and phone until I've finished all my work this evening. So far I've completed 1 out of 4 things, and now I'm writing this. I am the QUEEN of Procrastination. But I'm telling myself that I'm having a break before I tackle the rest - and that's how you distinguish real hardcore Procrastinators from all others - they justify the means of their procrastination to themselves so that even they believe it.

    And now I really am going to turn my internet off again. Promise.

    Jax x

  6. i am crastinator pro, but this year i decided to fork over my extra gubment dollars early. grumbles no chocolate chip pancakes could cure.
